Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Giles Corey Character Essay Essay Example
Giles Corey Character Essay Paper The Truly Honorable Person The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, is a story that takes place around the Salem witch trials in 1692. The play mainly focuses around the Proctor family, John and Elizabeth Proctor are wrongfully accused of witchcraft Just like the rest of the town. Giles Corey is a local senior citizen and well known throughout the town, he mentions that his wife reads strange books and his wife gets accused even though she just reads. Giles Corey starts to realist the reasons for some of the accusations ND starts to accuse the accusers and Inform the Judges thats Its all a Ill to try to preserve peoples honor and Integrity. Giles character reflects a major question raised In the play: What does It take to be a truly honorable person? As Giles efforts to stay an honorable person and help keep other peoples honor, he Is willing to go to great lengths to keep his honor. In the second act, Proctors Is getting warned by Hale, vaulting as a friend not an official of the court, that his Wolfe name was brought up in court and that she might be arrested for witchcraft. Giles and Francis come in and tart to talk about how their wives of all people were arrested, and Giles is seems most concerned when he says, I never said my wife were a watch, Mr.. Hale: I only said she were reading books (71). This is when Giles first starts to worry about his honor and his wifes honor if the word gets out that she was arrested. We will write a custom essay sample on Giles Corey Character Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Giles Corey Character Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Giles Corey Character Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is the beginning of Giles quest to stay an honorable person and possibly save many others honor. As honorable and self preserving as Giles Corey is, he is obviously going to stand up for his wife and talk to detonator about his wrongful arrest. His first reactions were of shock, now he is angry and is pleading to Judge Detonator, They be telling lies about my wife (85), then goes on to tell him that he didnt mean for her to be arrested when he said, inform Excellency, I only said she were reading books, sir, and they come and take her out of my house for (86). Giles is Distraught about his wife being arrested for possibly his words, he wants to do anything to get her out. Giles is trying to talk Detonator into some sense, she was Just reading books, reading doesnt instantly mean that she should be arrested. In act four, it is revealed what happened to Giles when he wanted to keep his honor and the honor of another instead of Just throwing it away when Detonator asks for someone name. In order to save his land he denied to answer to a question aye or nay, this is revealed when Elizabeth says, So he stand mute, and died Christian under law (135) and, Great Stones they lay upon his chest until he plead aye or nay. They say he give them but two words, More Weight (135). Giles sacrifices himself by not answering aye or nay to Detonators question and was killed by stones laid upon is chest so that his land did not get sold and his sons could Inherit his land. Giles Corey Is truly an honorable person when It comes to his role In this story. The play was written during the time of McCarthy and The Red Scare, Its connected to these events because the Salem witch trials and salary to those events, people calling each other out because they didnt Like them. People Just get caught up In the moment and do things that are crazier than they think they are. Giles Corey Character Essay By D_Chutes she Just reads. Giles Corey starts to realist the reasons for some of the accusations ND starts to accuse the accusers and inform the Judges thats its all a lie to try to preserve peoples honor and integrity. Giles character reflects a major question raised in the play: What does it take to be a truly honorable person? As Giles efforts to stay an honorable person and help keep other peoples honor, he is willing to go to great lengths to keep his honor. In the second act, Proctors is getting warned by Hale, visiting as a friend not an official of the court, that his wifes name was brought up be arrested when he said, mirror Excellency, I only said she were reading books, sir, sent instantly mean that she should be arrested. Ender law (135) and, Great Stones they lay upon his chest until he plead aye or nay. His chest so that his land did not get sold and his sons could inherit his land. Giles Corey is truly an honorable person when it comes to his role in this story. The play was written during the time of McCarthy and The Red Scare, its connected to these events because the Salem witch trials and similar to those events, people calling each other out because they didnt like them. People Just get caught up in the
Friday, March 6, 2020
Chester Zoo Essay Example
Chester Zoo Essay Example Chester Zoo Essay Chester Zoo Essay Once registered, charities have to obey a number of rules, which include regulations covering trustees, accounts, finances and management. Those that are registered as companies have to comply with company law too. A registered charity is not allowed to have political objectives or take part in political lobbying other than in a generally educational sense. What might happen if it was a business (LTD or PLC)?Ã If Chester Zoo was a business (Ltd or PLC) they would lose numerous customers. Also if they were a business they would have to give money raised out to shareholders so there will be less to spend on the animals. All of the money made by the zoo through entry fees, second spend etc will have to be given out in percentages to the shareholders in the business. So the zoo will not have much money to spend on the animals, this may lead to diseases to the animals and later on deaths. The reason why I stated in the paragraph above that if Chester Zoo was a business (Ltd or PLC) they would lose numerous customers is that they really would. This is because if Chester Zoo was a Public Limited Company (plc) the general public will first if all would not give money to the zoo (donations) because the public would think that a plc like Chester Zoo would make millions and wouldnt help any charities so why should they help. But if Chester Zoo was a Charity limited by Guarantee which they currently are, this would be a good thing for them because people always like to help charities and also they know that charities dont get any funding by the government so there is a more likely chance that people would give money to charities more than plcs, Ltd etc. Also limited amounts of capital can be raised. Shares cannot be sold to the public if money was needed quickly because if Chester Zoo were a business and were to make good profits than the current shareholders wont want to sell their shares, this may lead to disruptions and would-be shareholders who would like to invest in the zoo will stop hoping. And when investors are needed for Chester Zoo there wont be any available. Furthermore if Chester Zoo were to be a business shareholders will first have to all agree for a share to be sold otherwise it cannot happen, for example if most of the shareholders at Chester Zoo didnt want one shareholder to be at the zoo, everyone else will have to agree, if they dont the shareholder will still stay. If Chester Zoo had in excess of 100 shareholders it would be very easy for the business to lose control, communication might be sent wrong which may lead to mayhem. As well as easy to lose control of the business, Chester Zoo can be taken over by bids from members of the public; members already at the zoo might not like the fact that an ordinary man or women will become a shareholder in such a massive business. In addition to that people (investors) might not be interested in buying shares as the zoo would be more interested in the welfare of the animals rather that the welfare of the shareholders. For example Chester Zoos Mission Statement is The role of the Zoo is to support and promote conservation by breeding threatened species, by excellent animal welfare, high quality public service, recreation, education and science This statement doesnt say anything about the welfare of shareholders. This may prevent investors from investing into the business as they may assume that they are not part of the Chester Zoo family.
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